Volunteering & Sponsorship


Volunteering & Sponsorship

volunteering & sponsorship


During this pandemic, Metro Atlanta Urban Farm is only allowing visitors to the farm by appointment only. A mask is required at all times.

Our farm is a community-driven organization and our survival depends on the support of our volunteers.  We welcome volunteers to help us plant, maintain and harvest our produce.  As well as, assist with creative applications such as: designing signs, maintaining our website and/or  using our flowers to design floral arrangements for the house. These are only a few of the opportunities we have for volunteers.  There are a lot of moving parts to keeping a farm running smoothly.  We welcome you or your group to volunteer your time, which ultimately keeps our costs low and our production high.  If you would like more information on volunteering, please email: info@themetroatlantaurbanfarm.org

Four sponsorship tiers are available


The Metro Atlanta Urban Farm (MAUF) is a community-driven organization dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable produce.  We were founded in late 2009 to eliminate food deserts and food insecurity.  However as we worked more in the community and listened to the needs of its residents, we realized food insecurity and the absence of affordable produce are symptoms of a much  larger problem.  We expanded our focus to serve as the conduit for community health transformation through agricultural training, health prevention and economic empowerment. Our mission is to reduce barriers to healthy living in urban communities by encouraging, promoting and supporting health education and sustainable, high-quality, low-cost agricultural production through gardening and farming training.

Each level of support requires a minimum three-year commitment. Your support will allow us to provide high quality programming for a nominal fee and scholarships for those in need.

Benefits of Sponsorship


Urban Agriculture as a community development tool is a new yet effective concept. Our aim is to serve as a model of community development that can be replicated throughout the southeast. Examples of urban agricultural success stories can be seen in Milwaukee, Chicago, and Philadelphia to name a few cities. As a sponsor of The Metro Atlanta Urban Farm, you will establish yourself as the leader in supporting the creation of environmentally sustainable community development–the ultimate in creating a greener and sustainable future.

Contributor to Public Health

The root cause of most chronic diseases is poor diet and lack of exercise. As a sponsor, you establish your organization as a supporter of preventative cures to chronic diseases. At MAUF, we provide the information and the food needed to improve diet, increase physical activity and mental health. With your support we can provide these services at a nominal cost to those who need these tools the most.

Creating a New Audience

As we create stronger community, our goal is to develop residents to become more informed consumers. We know with this increased awareness residents will understand the importance of supporting socially responsible businesses. Your visibility on our farm will position your business as a trust-worthy entity to the communities we serve as well as the global community. In addition, your logo displayed prominently on our website will connect you to a vast network of national and local organizations dedicated to supporting the local food movement, the environment and eliminating food insecurity.

Levels of Sponsorship

We have four levels of sponsorship that will support the educational programming and events held at the farm. Each level of support requires a minimum three-year commitment. Your support will allow us to provide high quality programming for a nominal fee and scholarships for those in need.

Metro Atlanta Urban Farm

HELP US SUPPORT a healthier future

Metro Atlanta Urban Farm depends solely on donations, grants, and program revenue. Help make a difference by donating.